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- Sacco e Vanzetti (1971)
- Sacco et Vanzetti (1971) [2]
- Sacro GRA (2013)
- Safe (1995)
- Saint Maud (2019)
- Sala-ampuja (1952)
- Salaiset Kansiot (1993-2002) [TV-sarja]
- Salesman (1968)
- Sallie Gardner at a Gallop (1878)
- Salvo (2013)
- Samurai Rauni Reposaarelainen (2016) [2]
- Samurai Rauni Reposaarelainen (2016)
- Sand, The (2015)
- Sandman, The (1992)
- Sandokan the Great (1963)
- Santa & Andrés (2016)
- Sasquatch Assault (2009)
- Sasquatch Hunters (2005)
- Sasquatch Hunters, The (1997)
- Sasquatch Mountain (2006)
- Sasquatch: The Legend of Bigfoot (1976)
- Satan's Bed (1983)
- Satan's Railway Ride (1906)
- Satanic Panic (2019)
- Scarface (1932)
- Scenes from the Night (2018)
- Schramm (1993)
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
- Scream (1996)
- Scream 4 (2011)
- Scream Queens (2015–) [TV-sarja]
- Scream Queen’s Naked Christmas (1996)
- Seahorse, The (1933)
- Search for the Beast (1997)
- Searching Eva (2019)
- Seconds (1966)
- Secret Glory, The (2001)
- Security Unlimited (1981)
- Seen and Unseen, The (2017)
- Seikkailu jäämerelle (2015)
- Seitsemän kovaa miestä (1967)
- Seitsemän veristä orkideaa (1972)
- Self-Referential Traverse: Zeitgeist and Engagement (2011)
- Semillas de Guamúchil (2016)
- Serene Velocity (1970)
- Serpent and the Rainbow, The (1988)
- Shadow of Bigfoot, The (2013)
- Shadowzone (1990)
- Shallows, The (2016)
- Sharknado (2013)
- SHIFT (2013)
- Shoeshine (1946)
- Short Term 12 (2013)
- Show of Shows: 100 Years of Vaudeville, Circuses and Carnivals, the (2015)
- Showgirls (1995)
- Shrimp Stories, The (1964)
- Sibelius-jatkumo (2019)
- Sibyl (2019)
- Sicario (2015)
- Side/Walk/Shuttle (1992)
- Sido minut! Ota minut! (1989)
- Sielunmetsä (2017)
- Sighting, The (2016)
- Sightseers (2012)
- Siirtolainen (1917)
- Silen Night (2012)
- Silent Mist (2017)
- Silent Night, Bloody Night (1972)
- Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)
- Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 (1987)
- Silent Night, Deadly Night 4: Initiation (1990)
- Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker (1991)
- Silent Night, Deadly Night: Better Watch Out! (1989)
- Silmäterä (2013)
- Simhall (2014)
- Simpsons - Russian art film version, The (2019)
- Sinbad – suuri rakastaja (1971)
- Sing Street (2016)
- Siniparta (1938)
- Sinuhe Egyptiläinen (1954)
- Siren, The (2023)
- Siskokset (2015)
- Sissy (2022)
- Sisters in Law (2005)
- Sistersin veljekset (2018)
- Sivullisena Suomessa (1983)
- Skymningsljus (1955)
- Sleeping Beauty (2011)
- Sleepwalker, The (2014)
- Slug Life (2018)
- Smiling Madame Beudet, The (1923)
- Snow Creature, The (1954)
- Snowbeast (1977)
- Snowpiercer (2013)
- Snuff (1975)
- Sobre las brasas (2013)
- Society (1989)
- Sofia's Last Ambulance (2012)
- Soft Skin, The (1964)
- Soldier Jane (2013)
- Sombre (1998)
- Something to Remember (2019)
- Somewhere Beyond the Mist (2017)
- Son of Saul (2015)
- Song Lang (2018)
- Sonido de las cosas, El (2016)
- Sosialismi (2014)
- Souad (2021)
- Souls on the Road (1921)
- South Is Nothing (2013)
- South to North (2014)
- Souvenir, The (2019)
- Spandex Sapiens (2015)
- Spasmo (1974)
- Spell to Ward off the Darkness, A (2013)
- Spiderwebhouse, The (2015)
- Spirit of '45 (2013)
- Splendor (1999)
- Spotlight (2015)
- Spring (2014)
- Spring Breakers (2012)
- Spring Breakers (2012) [2]
- Square, The (2017)
- SS Experiment Love Camp (1976)
- StageFright (1987)
- Star (2014)
- Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
- Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
- Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi
- State of Play (2013)
- Stendhal Syndrome, The (1996)
- Stitches (2019)
- Stories We Tell (2012)
- Story of Women (1988)
- Strange Color of Your Body’s Tears, The (2013)
- Strange Death of Adolf Hitler, The (1943)
- Strange Little Cat, The (2013)
- Strangers of the Earth (1961)
- Strangers, The (2008)
- Stray Dog (2014)
- Stray Dogs (2013)
- Street of Crocodiles (1987)
- Street Trash (1987)
- Stung (2015)
- Styx (2018)
- Suave el aliento (2015)
- Subspecies (1991)
- Suburban Sasquatch (2004)
- Suckling, The (1990)
- Suffragette (2015)
- Sugata Sanshirô (1943)
- Suk Suk (2019)
- Summer of Sangaïlé, The (2015)
- Summer Palace (2006)
- Summer with Anton (2012)
- Sumpdyr (2018)
- Sunrise (1927)
- Sunrise (2014)
- Sunset Limited, The (2011)
- Suomalainen lyhytelokuva (1991)
- Super Comfort (2018)
- Support the Girls (2018)
- Surfarara (1955)
- Surire (2015)
- Suspiria (2018)
- Suuri kauneus (2013)
- Suuri kauneus (2013) [2]
- Suzanne (2013)
- Suzhou River (2000)
- Sweet Home (1989)
- Sweet Prudence and the Erotic Adventure of Bigfoot (2011)
- Swing Kids (2018)
- Swinging Safari (2018)
- Sydänpeto (2022)
- Symphonie Mécanique (1956)
- Syndicate Sadists (1975)
- Syvyyksien tappajat (1977)
- Sátántangó (1994)