| 0–9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G |
| H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P |
| Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X, Y, Z | Å, Ä, Ö |
- Tabu (1977)
- Taiga (1992)
- Taistelu elämästä (1977)
- Taken 3 (2015)
- Taksi (2015)
- Tale of Iya, The (2013)
- Tale of Tales (2015)
- Tale of Tales (2015) [2]
- Tales of the Grim Sleeper (2014)
- Talking Cat!?!, A (2013)
- Talo puiston laidalla (1980)
- Talvivaaran miehet (2015)
- Tammy and the T-Rex (1994)
- Tangerine (2015)
- Tangerine (2015)
- Tappajanunna (1979)
- Tarfala (2016)
- Target (2011)
- Targets (1968)
- Tarzan ja amatsoonit (1945)
- Tarzan ja leijonanmetsästäjät (1947)
- Tarzan ja leopardinainen (1946)
- Tarzan ja nainen mereltä (1948)
- Tarzan ja valkoinen nainen (1934)
- Tarzan ja viidakkokansa (1943)
- Tarzan suurkaupungissa (1942)
- Tarzanin erämaan seikkailut (1943)
- Tarzanin pako (1936)
- Tarzanin poika (1939)
- Tarzanin salainen aarre (1941)
- Tatsumi (2011)
- Tea or Electricity (2013)
- Tehran: City of Love (2018)
- Teit meistä kauniin (2016)
- Teksasin äkäpussit (1971)
- Ten Billion (2015)
- Tenderness (2013)
- Tenebre (1982)
- Terminator Genisys (2015)
- Terror in the Midnight Sun (1959)
- Terässoturi (1983)
- Test (2013)
- Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013)
- Texas v. 2000 (1983)
- Texasin Moottorisahamurhat (1974)
- Text of Light, The (1974)
- Tezuka's Barbara (2019)
- Thank You for the Rain (2017)
- They Say Nothing Stays the Same (2019)
- Thin (2006)
- Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
- Third Murder, The (2017)
- Thirst (2015)
- This Changes Everything (2015)
- This is England '86 (2010) [TV-sarja]
- This Is Not Berlin (2019)
- This Land Is Mine (1943)
- Threads (1984)
- Three Cheers for the Whale (1972)
- Three Identical Strangers (2018)
- Three Stories of Love (2015)
- Three Windows and a Hanging (2014)
- Throwback (2015)
- ThuleTuvalu (2014)
- Ticks (1993)
- Tigers Are Not Afraid (2017)
- time / OUT OF JOINT (2015)
- Tiny Furniture (2010)
- To All a Good Night (1980)
- To Catch a Yeti (1995
- To the Wonder (2012)
- Tohtori Caligarin kabinetti (1920)
- Tokasikajuttu (2017)
- Tokyo Drifter (1966)
- Tokyo Idols (2017)
- Tokyo Night Sky Is Always the Densest Shade of Blue (2017)
- Tokyo Tribe (2014)
- Tom at the Farm (2013)
- Tomb of Dracula (1980)
- Tomorrow We Disappear (2014)
- Tonight She Comes (2016)
- Tonka of the Gallows (1930)
- Too Big To Fail (2011)
- Toolbox Murders, The (1978)
- Torinon hevonen (2011) [2]
- Torment (1944)
- Totally F***ed Up (1993)
- Totems (2016)
- Touch of Sin, A (2013)
- Town that Dreaded Sundown, The (2014)
- Toxic Avenger (1984)
- Toxic Zombies (1980)
- Traffic Department (2013)
- Tram (2012)
- Trancers (1984)
- Trans-Siberia (1999)
- Transit (2018)
- Traps (1998)
- Tree, The (2010)
- Tremors (2019)
- Tribe, The (2014)
- Trilogy of Terror (1975) [TV-elokuva]
- Triumph of Robin Hood, The (1962)
- Tropical Cop Tales (2018) [TV-sarja]
- Truck Turner (1974)
- Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom (2011)
- Tuca & Bertie (2019) [TV-sarja]
- Tuhat kertaa hyvää yötä (2013)
- Tuhkaa ja timanttia (1958)
- Tuhlaajapoika (1992)
- Tuhottu nuoruus (1947)
- Tule ja katso (1985)
- Tuntematon pakolainen (2016)
- Tuntematon sotilas (2017)
- Tuntematon tyttö (2016)
- Tuntematon ystävä
- Turbo Killer (2016)
- Turin Horse, The (2011)
- Turisti (2014)
- Tuulensieppaajat (2014)
- Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) [2] [TV-sarja]
- Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) [TV-sarja]
- Two Front Teeth (2006)
- Two Irenes (2017)
- Two Raging Grannies (2013)
- Tyhjiö (2018)
- Tyhjiön (2018)
- Tyttö kaljassa (1981)