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- P'tit Quinquin (2014)
- Pacific 231 (1949)
- Pacific Rim (2013)
- Pacific Rim (2013) [2]
- Pacto, El (2017)
- Pahan kosketus (1958)
- Pahan kukat (2016)
- Paholaisen palkkalaiset (1972)
- Paikan henki (1986)
- Painajainen (1974)
- Painajainen (1981)
- Painajaiskuja (1947)
- Paljon melua tyhjästä (1993)
- Pandora’s Promise (2013)
- Parabola d’Oro (1955)
- Paradise: Faith (2012)
- Paranoia (1969)
- Paranoia (1970)
- Parasite Black & White (2020)
- Paratiisi-trilogia (2012-2013)
- Paratiisi-trilogia (2012-2013) [2]
- Pasqua in Sicilia (1955)
- Pastori di orgosolo (1958)
- Paterson (2016)
- Pather Panchali (1955)
- Patriotism (1966)
- Patterson-Gimlin Film (1967)
- Paulina (2015)
- Pawnshop (2022)
- Peaches Does Herself (2012)
- Peili (1975)
- Pekka & Pätkä ja tuplajättipotti (1985)
- Pekka ja Pätkä lumimiehen jäljillä (1954)
- Pekka. Inside the Mind of a School Shooter (2015)
- Pelon maantiede (2000)
- People Mountain People Sea (2011)
- Peppermint frappé (1967)
- Perfect Sense (2011)
- Perjantai 13. päivä (1980)
- Persepolis (2007)
- Personal Shopper (2016)
- Pervert's Guide to Ideology, The (2013)
- Pescherecci (1958)
- Petra von Kantin katkerat kyyneleet (1972)
- Phantom Thread (2017)
- Phoenix (2014)
- Pickpocket (1959)
- Pickpocket (1998)
- Pietà (2012)
- Pig (2021)
- Piin elämä (2012)
- Pikku Quinquin (2014) [2] [TV-sarja]
- Pilvikartasto (2012)
- Pimeyden läheisyys (1987)
- Pine Ridge (2013)
- Pink Cloud, The (2021)
- Piranhas (2019)
- Pirates of Malaysia, The (1964)
- Pit and the Pendulum, The (1991)
- Pit Stop (2013)
- Pixote (1981)
- Planet of Sexes (2012)
- Play (2011)
- Play (2011) [2]
- Please Speak Continuously and Describe Your Experiences as They Come to You (2019)
- PMMP – tässä elämä on (2015)
- Poissa (2019)
- Pokka pitää (1990–1995) [TV-sarja]
- Poliţist, Adjectiv (2009)
- Poly Styrene: I Am a Cliché (2021)
- Pool, The (2014)
- Poolhall Junkies (2002)
- Pop Aye (2017)
- Popiól i diament (1958)
- Porno Holocaust (1981)
- Porvariston hillitty charmi (1972)
- Pose (2018-) [TV-sarja]
- Possession (1981)
- Post Tenebras Lux (2012)
- Postimiehen valkeat yöt (2014)
- Predator (1987)
- Predestination (2014)
- Premonición (2017)
- Preservation (2014)
- Pretending I'm A Superman: The Tony Hawk Video Game Story (2020)
- Price We Pay, The (2022)
- Prince Avalanche (2013)
- Prince of the City (1981)
- Prince's Voyage, The (2019)
- Private Eyes (1976)
- Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (2017)
- Prometheus (2012)
- Providensa – petturi vai pyhimys (1972)
- Psyko (1960)
- Punainen kohina (2021)
- Punainen teltta (1969)
- Punk Singer, The (2013)
- Purge, The (2013)
- Purge: Anarchy, The (2014)
- Pusher (1996)
- Päällystakki (1926)